What are the Types of RPO Models in Recruitment? Which is Right for You?

Searching for job candidates can be a taxing job. While there is an abundant number of candidates, eligibility and competence are two different things. Eligible candidates are easier to come by, but competent ones? Not so much. For such reasons, some companies prefer hiring third-party service providers to look for job candidates. This is called recruitment process outsourcing, or RPO for short. This is designed to bring candidates to the company with minimum involvement from the HR department. The outsourcing recruitment process involves every step, from screening to assessment. Companies taking the assistance of RPO agencies can also choose to use a model suited for their company. Do you have these questions in mind: “What is RPO model in recruitment?” “What are recruitment process outsourcing business models?” Let us find out in this blog. Different models provide different services depending on their needs. RPO has become one of the best options for recruitment, and it has numerou...