How Much Does RPO cost? Models and Comparison!

RPO, also known as Recruitment Process Outsourcing, involves an employer outsourcing the responsibility of finding candidates to a third-party service provider. Knowing RPO prices is crucial before you choose any one method of outsourcing recruitment processes and related RPO charges. Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) — General Overview The recruitment environment is complicated. To effectively recruit the top talent, you must manage a tight labor market. And if you don’t have the right talent acquisition strengths, you will end up hiring mostly mediocre or wrong-fit employees. RPO service providers know how to navigate the recruitment environment while staying relevant to the latest trends. Recruitment Process Outsourcing is a type of business process outsourcing where an employer transfers all or part of their recruitment processes to an external service provider. An RPO service provider will manage the staffing and recruitment processes assigned by the employer. Key RPO Models a...