How To Successfully Manage And Engage Your Virtual Team

The wide availability of high-speed internet, longer commutes, and easier access to quality talent located globally have made virtual work seem like the future of work, for a while now. In theory, it should work like a charm – organizations do not need to buy or rent as much expensive commercial real-estate as before, and employees get to spend their most productive hours doing quality work instead of braving rush-hour traffic. In practice though, fundamental challenges have limited the rate at which organizations have integrated virtual workers as a natural part of the modern workforce. The primary issues around integrating virtual workers are both around trust, or the lack of it, namely: In the absence of well-established processes around setting goals and tracking performance, managers fall back on biases and preconceptions around hours spent at the office, and other such anachronistic mental models On the other side of the equation, for the virtual worker trying to gain visibility ...